All Lights Up For the Nitrogen Act
The Senate will vote tomorrow on the emergency law of the cabinet with measures against the nitrogen crisis. This gives the cabinet its way and the law is piloted by the Senate before the Christmas holidays. Thanks to the trio 50Plus, fraction Otten and SGP, a majority beckons.
This morning, a majority in the Senate was in favor of the debate and the vote on the Nitrogen Act going ahead tomorrow, according to Hague sources. The senate parties said last week that they first wanted to await the answers to questions to Minister Schouten of Agriculture. Satisfaction now appears with those answers. Only the Party for the Animals has asked additional questions.
All pendant lights brisbane are therefore green for the Nitrogen Act. With the law, the government hopes to speed up housing construction in the Netherlands. Various opposition parties are still wondering whether the law is legally binding. That is why it has been exciting in recent weeks whether the Senate, where the coalition has no majority, would agree.
Henk Otten
Last Friday it turned out that the government is getting the support of a striking trio. The 50Plus parties (two seats), the Otten fraction (three seats) and SGP (two seats) help the coalition to achieve a majority. Thanks to these three, the government can get the nitrogen law through without the support of PvdA (six seats), GroenLinks (eight seats) or Forum for Democracy (nine seats).
On Friday evening Henk Otten, who previously split off from Forum for Democracy, visited Prime Minister Rutte. Finance Minister Hoekstra was also present at the Torentje. After an hour, Otten came out again with the announcement that he would support the Nitrogen Act.
The law includes rules for low-nitrogen feed, the possibility to introduce a threshold value for nitrogen emissions and the introduction of a nitrogen registration system. The cabinet will also reduce the speed on motorways during the day to 100 kilometers per hour.