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Will The Republicans Succeed In Pushing For Second-Term Trump Presidency In 2020?

by Jeremy Hales

It seems like yesterday when the United States of America has elected its latest Republican president, Donald Trump. After Barrack Obama’s eight-year stint as the most powerful leader in the country, Trump has introduced some drastic changes in the political and economic affairs in the United States, which earned lukewarm comments from ordinary citizens and experts alike. Now going 4 years into his first term, President Trump already made it known that he is planning to extend his stay in the White House, but the big question is, will the Republican party succeed in campaigning Trump’s reelection bid in 2020?

‘Harsh’ Immigration Policy Reforms Could Cost Trump His Dream Of A Second Term

It is not a mystery to everybody that President Trump has put stricter immigration rules in place as he assumed his post in 2016, staying true to his promise that he will resolve the problems of the country that concern undocumented migrants. He event went further by blaming the deteriorating economy of the United States because of illegal immigrants.

Among the infamous actions taken by the Trump administration with regards to immigration policy reform is the surprise, country-wide capturing of illegal aliens. An even shocking act is to separate the undocumented parents from their children, who were born in the United States and thus have claim to stay in the country. While the parents are caught and subjected to deportation, their children, alone and scared, face an uncertain fate in detention camps.

Even as Trump claims these actions for the sake of protecting the welfare of the people of the United States, the whole world was watching the events unfold, and many may be thinking of him right now as a bad guy who mercilessly take children away from their families. This is not a good sign if Trump is to seek reelection next year.

Republican Party Losing Unity By The Day Over Trump’s Presidency

What makes Trump’s future in the White House bleaker is the fact that his fellow Republicans are becoming more vocal about their disapproval of the president’s current actions. One of these is the ongoing trade war that aims to displace China as the top market in the globe. It appears that Trump is risking it all in this trade war, and if he lose, there is a good chance that the United States will face yet another crippling recession.

With the Decomracts making steps to impeach the president, Trump would need the Republicans’ support more than ever. However, with his own party not having a solid support to their supposed leader, there is less likelihood for him to secure another win in 2020 presidential elections. If he can only secure his position with the same level of security that the Best Roomba can provide for our homes, then he will not have any problems to think about next year.

