UK Government Facing Backlash On Not Lifting Snus Ban

by Stella Tryon

EU for Snus

A customer group that intends to guarantee smokers have safer choices for cigarettes is now demanding the UK government in the High Court in an effort to raise an EU ban on snus.

Once lifted, snus brands such as Lyft (as their former name EPOK no longer exists) will be allowed to market openly in the UK.

The New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), headed by Professor Gerry Stimson of Imperial College London, desires snus, which can be used by means of a fifth of men in Sweden, to become legalized.

‘Sweden has the lowest rate of smoking from the planet,’ NNA stated in a press notice. ‘Government figures reveal that half of the men have been now smokers compared to 22% in the United Kingdom.

‘Researchers conclude that the widespread use of snus as a substitute for smoking is that the main reason why that diseases including mouth and lung cancer are much reduced in Sweden.’

“The UK is failing very poorly in comparison to Sweden at bringing smoking rates,” Stimson had been quoted as stating. “This is a tragedy which people have four times as many guys in their twenties smoking compared in Sweden and devastating that we’re prohibiting the most prosperous solution to the greatest cause of preventable death.”


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Stimson is advised to inform that the High Court of study demonstrating that man lung cancer rates in the United Kingdom could halve whether it had comparable levels of snus use to Sweden.

He’s supposedly particularly excruciating that several Swedish and Norwegian consumers have begun smoking when they proceed to the UK since they can not purchase snus in the United Kingdom.

“Everybody has been taken by surprise from how countless smokers flocked into e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking,” said Stimson.

“Nevertheless nine million men and women in the United Kingdom are still smoke and recognized options like snus ought to be available to assist people who wish to stop.

“Smokers should possess the broadest choice of low-risk products so they can locate the one which works for them.”

In parallel with the legal efforts to overturn the ban, several 22 Conservative MPs have written to the Health Secretary urging him to add snus within his coming Tobacco Control program that will ensure Britain’s smoking policy following Brexit.