Senate Leader Mitch McConnell Accepts Biden’s Electoral Win
Finally, exactly 38 days after Biden delivered his victory speech, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledged Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as winners. McConnell’s acknowledgment of Joe Biden as President-elect came after the Electoral College officially read the state-certified winners in their respective state, which officially sealed President-elect Biden’s designation as the new U.S. President come January 20, 2021.
According to The New York Times, the President-elect responded to Senator McConnell’s public acknowledgment through a phone call. Reports have it that Biden also extended a conciliatory message by saying that even though he and the Republican Senator do not agree on certain matters, there are a lot of things they can work on together.
Several Republican Senators Think Trump Can Still Overturn Election Results
The Electoral College finalized the total votes of all the 50 states in the country, which in a lot of ways are similar to counts projected last month by news media outlets. In the meantime, Trump continues to insist that he won the election and will overturn the election results through their lawsuits. Actually, Trump and his lawyers have already made two appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court and both have been denied due to lack of evidence.
The Republican lawmakers who support Trump’s baseless arguments of questioning the legality of the presidential election, preferred to remain tight-lipped even as Senator McConnel already made the acknowledgment. Playing safe as always and careful not to earn Trump’s ire, the silent Republicans asserted that Trump is only exerting his legal right to file lawsuits and ask for a recount.
Even Republican South Dakota Senator John Thune vaguely accepted Biden’s win while answering reporters last Monday. Thune stated that after Biden crosses the 270 vote count, there are still steps to be taken before Biden officially assumes office as POTUS.