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Trump Attends Libertarian National Convention Only to Get Booed and Heckled

by Ebony Trumble

donald j trumpLast Saturday night, ex-US president Donald Trump made the mistake of attending the Libertarian National Convention, as he was booed and heckled by a raucous audience that outnumbered the pro-Trump Libertarians. The former US president was visibly rattled by the hostile reception since it was a far cry from the rallies attended purely by loyal Trump supporters.

Trump took to the stage in Washington and said that the reason why he isn’t documented as a Libertarian is because he already represents the Republican Party. Still, he tried in vain to remedy the unfavorable situation by saying that he is now a libertarian since he is also denouncing Biden’s present administration.

Donald Trump, Libertarian National Convention, Libertarian AdvocaciesApparently, Trump knows little about Libertarian principles and advocacies.

What Do Libertarian Advocacies Support

COVID 19 reminder of health crisisTrump failed to win over the libertarians present during the convention hall, since jeers and boos continued while he was making his speech. They denounced Trump for his failure in handling the crisis posed by the COVID 19 pandemic. They believe he could have done more in implementing preventive health measures and curtailing the widespread distrust of the public in getting vaccinated.

Actually, Libertarian politicians believe in advocating a smaller government that has greater concerns for protecting individual freedom against violence and coercion. Libertarian governance supports individual responsibility as opposed to a government that relies on bureaucracy and taxes.

Angela McArdle, the Libertarian Party Chair said the party has ruled that Trump does not qualify as the Libertarian nominee for president.
