GOP and Its Filibuster Strategy Vote Down Jan. 06 Capitol Siege Commission
GOP senators voted down a proposal of forming an independent commission that will look deeply into the circumstances related to the Jan. 06 Capitol siege. Only six Republican senators sided with the Democrats, which brought the final tally to 54-35, still needing 6 votes more in order to proceed with the independent investigation.
GOP’s Reason for Blocking the Proposed Commission
Prior to casting the final votes, the Republican Party led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, had already expressed skepticism over the Democrat’s desire to investigate the siege. The proposal was earlier brushed off by McConnell who called it a purely political exercise on the part of the Democrats.
McConnell contended that it’s enough that a couple of Senate committees are already examining the incident; doubting that an independent commission would be able to bring more light on the matter. The Kentucky Republican said that it is unlikely that the commission Democrats are pushing for, would even unearth significant facts or promote healing.
Senate Majority Leader Says Most GOP Senators Still Fear Trump
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., described the Republican minority’s refusal to let American citizens know the complete truth about the January 6 riot, is all about their loyalty or fear of Trump. Schumer added that the Republican Party should be ashamed for wanting to hide the atrocities just because they fear the former president and his supporters..